Featuring Ryan Gosling. Banner by Mari, layout coding by Magz. blah blah blah blah blah blah. Categories ( television || movies || misc ) Newest caps: All of them. :| |
Summerskin is a site that houses all of Mari's bazillions of screencaps, because Magz told her that she needed a cap site. So here it is.
opened in July 2006
470 visitors since July 28, 2006
layout version 1
This cap site has been about six months in the making. Magz hated downloading caps from Megaupload cause of the assy ads so she offered webspace to Marishna who's fairly impressionable. Months later the actual site finally got finished (again, thanks to Magz) and the rest is a fairly dull and uneventful history. 1. Please credit. You can put Marishna in your resources or put a link back here on your site. It's just a nice thing to do. 2. Comment. You can find links to the entries in my livejournal where I will post all of my caps first in zip files, then later here. Just take a few seconds to leave a note saying you're snagging the caps. Again, just a nice thing to do. 3. NO HOTLINKING. I have absolutely no qualms about replacing your images with something that looks similar to this. Only it'll be bigger, and brighter and possibly much fouler. So just don't hotlink. Don't know what hotlinking is? It's stealing and you can read more about it here. |